Human Task Model and Start Case Schema
In CaseFabric UI, there is a method to declare a user interface with a JSON structure that will render a UI for a business user who is executing the Case Plan. You have to declare this JSON structure in the Human Task Model
in the CaseFabric IDE. On top of that, you can declare a User Interface that helps you starting a case instance; for this, use the Start Case Editor
The Human Task Model is an implementation of a Human Task, the Start Case Editor provides you in CaseFabric UI –in the IDE next to the button Start Case– a User Interface that allows a business user to enter data to the Case File Item that is modeled as input parameter of the Case Plan.
Human Task Model
In the CaseFabric IDE (on http://localhost:2081), if you are modeling a Case Model, you can create a Human Task Model. You can click in the navigator on the label for Human Task Model; you will see a little panel in which you can create a Human Task Model by entering a Name
and Description
and next click on Create
or Create+Open
In the Human Task Model Editor, you must first enter the Case File Item that are input and output parameters of the task. Next, you can add a JSON structure, like the one that is described in the previous page.
In the Start Case Editor, you can only enter the JSON structure. You add the Case Input Parameters using the input parameters of the Case.